These meals are complete with protein being the base. Six of these meals equals 1500 calories. All you need to complete these meals is a serving of fresh greens or fibrous veggies.
Continue reading Ten Healthy Meals Under 250 Calories
These meals are complete with protein being the base. Six of these meals equals 1500 calories. All you need to complete these meals is a serving of fresh greens or fibrous veggies.
Continue reading Ten Healthy Meals Under 250 Calories
Love when a person “gets it”. Because not everyone does. For some, working out is always a chore…usually because they don’t find what they enjoy doing, maybe they don’t stick with it long enough or maybe they don’t try enough different things. For whatever reason…some people get it and some people don’t. Shannon got it right away and it never left her.
Continue reading Shannon’s Transformation
Free Bootcamp Workout that targets the glutes…..from Sixty Days to Sexy
Well we are starting a 4 week fat loss challenge tomorrow and I am taking today to get my head in the game. I did conditioning today at the gym….good lord I am slow and out of shape, all I have been doing in the gym lately is pure strength training…which is great because I’ve increased my strength tons…but bad because my conditioning is currently terrible. You can see what I did today on Fitocracy, where I log my training
My eats today have been relatively good. 2 protein shakes with water, a glass of Kefir, juiced some spinach and veggies for a smoothie, spaghetti squash with ground sirloin and I did make my man some avocado/greek yogurt dip with pita and had a few of those. That’s it so far today. I know I’m going to be pretty hungry when I start this diet. Grrrr. I found the recipe for this dip here:
End of the World Workout from Sixty Days to Sexy – Home Bootcamp Workout Series