These meals are complete with protein being the base. Six of these meals equals 1500 calories. All you need to complete these meals is a serving of fresh greens or fibrous veggies.
Continue reading Ten Healthy Meals Under 250 Calories
These meals are complete with protein being the base. Six of these meals equals 1500 calories. All you need to complete these meals is a serving of fresh greens or fibrous veggies.
Continue reading Ten Healthy Meals Under 250 Calories
Free Bootcamp Workout that targets the glutes…..from Sixty Days to Sexy
Some of these healthy snacks are actually big enough to be meals for the average size girl (whatever the hell average size girl is) …what I mean is a girl who’s not necessarily trying to put on weight. I am pretty low maintenance and sorta lazy when it comes to cooking, so these are pretty quick and easy to make as well.
1. Smish a banana into a bowl and drop a scoop of Monster Milk on top. I use brownie batter, or cake batter, or banana cream. Work the dry powder into the smished banana until it’s all mixed together and is a a delicious gooey mess. Then eat. It’s a good high protein, low fat meal with carbs. Tastes like a dessert.
2. Mix equal parts cottage cheese with flavoured greek yogurt. Again, high protein, low fat meal with carbs.
3. Stir a tbsp of sugar free jam into a serving of cottage cheese. Great high protein, low carb, low fat meal.
4. Sometimes I chop a couple of ounces of leftover extra lean ground turkey or lean beef and reheat in a bit of olive oil in a pan and add some egg whites and fry it up. Kinda tastes like steak and eggs for breakfast…at any time of the day. Great high protein, low carb meal
5. Veggies dipped in hummus. If you’re ambitious enough to make it yourself….all the better, but if not, hummus is generally pretty healthy and a great snack. Just skip the pita and dip raw veggies into it. Pretty yum.
Here’s another free home bootcamp workout from
A Goal Properly Set is Halfway Reached Complete with video popups of each exercise.
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