Tag Archives: coed group conditioning class

First Home Conditioning Workout in Los Angeles

Well…I filmed my first conditioning workout since being in L.A. It looks a little rough because I did rack pulls 2 days prior and my back was absolutely destroyed. I did 2 sets of each circuit, which took about 15 minutes. I would add another set of each circuit for a full session. Don’t forget to warm up on your own. And you can finish the session with your own abs/core/stretching exercises.

Here’s what I did:

Goblet Squat – if you don’t have a dumbbell you can use a kettlebell, plate, or even a medicine ball
Kettlebell Deadlift Burpee – You can use a set of dumbbells if you don’t have 2 KB’s. Or if you have just one KB you can set it in the centre, do your burpee, placing your hands on the ground instead of holding on the KB, and pick the KB up with 2 hands in the centre.
BW Slider Lunge – You can add weight if you want to, just remember those sliders are very slippery so you have to have the strength to pull yoursel back up, don’t go too low too fast
Hop in Squat out – Touched the palms of my hands to the ground on each rep
Step Behind Lunge with Overhead Press
Pushup with Plank Rotation – Use just bodyweight if you can’t control that weight as you rotate. Little baby weights fully approved on this one.
Platechoppers – I used a DB end to end, but you can use a kettlebell, plate or even a medicine ball for this. Make sure heels stay on the ground and you’re pushing those hips back
Slider Jackknife – Keep your shoulder girdle tight and steady with minimal movement.


Bootcamp for the Boys

Bootcamp For The Boys

Why does every other bootcamp say women’s only? Perhaps it’s because they only do girly exercises or use little pink dumbbells or perhaps its because the girls are intimidated by the guys. Not at Strength Powered Fitness! Our girls can hang with the guys. We do pullups and squats and deadlifts and we use real weight. We challenge you to keep up with us!

We focus on strength and conditioning in every class. You will work hard and you will sweat your ass off like never before. Sign up for a free class and check it outself.

